Dear Xander
Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas Eve is almost here! Everyone here at the North Pole is busy getting ready for the big night. Dasher and Dancer have designed a new training program for all the reindeer. They want to deliver the toys to good boys and girls extra fast this year. I can hear the elves singing "Frosty the Snowman" as they build and paint. Of course, Mrs. Claus keeps us full of delicious sugar cookies and hot chocolate.
Xander, you are so special. I wanted to let you know that Mrs. Claus and I are thinking of you with love. I see that you are right at the top of the Nice List! Mom and Dad must be so proud of you for smiling and giggling. You have been such a good boy. Now that you are 3 months old, you should try to work on growing big and strong.
Be sure to snuggle into bed early on Christmas Eve! I cannot wait to fly by your house in O'Fallon. Please remind Dakota and Hailey to get tucked in early, too. Keep up all your good work until then! I am so proud of you, Xander. I will be visiting your house soon!
Warmest wishes,
P.S. Delivering presents really works up an appetite. I love cookies and milk! Ho! Ho! Ho!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Took Xander's temperature for the first time today. For other mom's out there, I'm sure you know how scary this can be. I had to lube up that little thermometer and stick it between those two adorable butt checks of his. But good news!!!! He didn't cry at all and he doesn't have a temp.
Monday, November 23, 2009
2 months old
Thursday, November 12, 2009
getting so big!!
Xander is 8 weeks old today. His two month Dr appt is on Tuesday and he gets his first round of vaccinations. I have had an internal battle since the day I found out I was pregnant about whether or not I should vaccinate my child. I have read many articles about the advantages and disadvantages of the shots. I have come to the conclusion that if I follow the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics on all other areas of raising my child, why not follow their recommedations on vaccinations. The media has me scared of my child getting Autism but God already has Xander's future planned and if that's what's included then we will endure. 

Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Halloween
For Xander's first Halloween, we went to the pumpkin patch,
tortured him with photos,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Family and Friends
Xander and I are looking forward to a visit from family this weekend. My dad (Grandpa Burns), my mom and stepdad (Grandma and Grandpa Rulo) and my sister and brother in law (Aunt Laura and Uncle Matt) are all going to be in town for baby's first halloween!!! This will be my sisters first time in town to meet her new little nephew. Her and Matt are traveling from Italy for the week. We can't wait to see everyone!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Feeling accomplished
While daddy feed Xander a bottle I threw in a load of adult laundry, folded a load of baby laundry, matched an entire basket of socks and I am feeling well accomplished!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
How it all began...
I have had a lot of questions about what happened on that cool morning on September 17th. So here you go.......
I woke up at about 6:30 that morning to use the restroom. At 39 weeks and 6 days, going to the bathroom in the middle of the night was a normal routine. But this morning something was different. I had this very overwhelming feeling that my water was going to break. I was afraid of my water breaking in bed (for fear of ruining the mattress) so I grabbed a pillow and blanket and went and layed on the couch. I kind of laughed at myself for thinking that my water was going to break but with in 10 minutes of laying on the couch came my first contraction. This contraction was different than the ones I had been experiencing for the last week. This one kind of hurt!! I continued to lay on the couch until the 2nd some what painful contraction came and that's when I thought, 'wow, this might actually be it'!!!
Since I didn't want to wake my husband or my dad, I went down stairs and started playing on the Internet. I never timed my contractions but looking at the clock I knew that they were about 7 minutes apart. After about an hour I realized that I have gray hairs. I couldn't go to the hospital with gray hair!!!! So I whipped out the hair dye and put it in my roots. 25 minutes later I hopped in the shower. This is when my contractions started to come a bit faster and a little bit more painful. I rushed my shower and got dressed. I still was unsure when it would be time to go to the hospital. I did some rocking exercises on the living room when a contraction actually brought me to tears.
It was 8:30 by this time. I walked into the bedroom and woke my husband up. I said "I think you should get up and get in the shower" (quick side story -- we actually had a funeral we were supposed to go to that afternoon). I got a very dazed and confused look. Another contraction was bringing me to tears again so then I got more of a concerned look and I said "I've been in labor for 2 hour now". My husband jumped out of bed and I told him to take his time. Shower and get dressed and we would go to the hospital when he was ready. By the time he got out of the shower my contractions were every 2 minutes and VERY painful. I said "I know I told you to take your time, but we HAVE got to go!!" He reminded me that they wouldn't let me eat anything at the hospital and I should try eating something. So he put 2 pieces of bread in the toaster for me. I went and woke up my dad and told him what was going on. My husband and dad loaded my suitcase and purse into the truck and helped me to waddle out to the truck. Sitting was the hardest thing for me at this point. Standing and leaning seemed to ease the pain a bit but sitting was horrible!!!!! My tailbone felt like it was breaking when I sat on it. During the bumpy ride to the hospital I managed to say "we forgot the toast". Oh that was devastating!!!! I was so hungry already but couldn't get my mind past the pain I was in.
My husband pulled up to the ER doors and walked me inside. The woman behind the desk could see the pain I was in and immediately started wheeling me up to the Maternity Ward. I was wheeled right into a room with 3 nursed in tow ready with a gown and needles and rubber gloves!!! My saviors!!! I wanted to laugh at them when the asked me to lay on the bed. I wanted to scream, don't you know it hurts!!!! Once I was able to lay down they checked my dilation, I was a 4. This was 9:30am. I was told that my contractions were 2 minutes apart and lasting for 80 seconds. That's only 40 seconds to relax between each one. YEAH RIGHT!! The gave me a drug through the IV that made me feel very light head and kind of drunk. The told me that it would help my body relax between contractions even though it wouldn't reduce the pain of the contractions themselves. That drug lasted about an hour, they asked if I wanted that again or get an epidural. I opt for the epidural. Most of you probably know how scared I was at the thought of getting an epidural but when you are in that much pain, you forget all about those fears.
Once the anaesthetologist (sp?) started the process of the epidural I had to stay very still. This was very difficult b/c I had at least 6 contractions during this time. I had my head buried into my husband's chest, tears streaming down my face and my nails digging into his biceps. The epidural was administered at around 11:30 am. Before the epidural fully kicked in, I thought that I had peed in my bed, the nurse said it was my water breaking. With it spontaneously breaking on its own, they said helps speed things along. They were going to rupture it themselves if it hadn't broke by noon. Once it kicked in, I was told to take a nap. My husband said he was going to run home and get the video camera that we had forgotten. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep. When my husband returned I learned that he never even made it out of the parking lot. After pulling out of his parking spot, he was driving down the isle when a woman pulled out of her parking spot backing up right into the bed of his truck. Wonderful!!! Everyone was okay and thank goodness dad was still at home and brought us the video camera.
By this time, guests were starting to show up and I was nice and relaxed.
At 6:30 pm, I was told it was time to start pushing. Let me tell you.... it is hard to push when you have no feeling in your lower body. I had the support of a wonderful husband and a great labor and delivery nurse. Having a mirror while pushing really helped me focus on the task at hand and made me feel that I really had a goal to accomplish. My brave husband watched the whole thing as well. I remember seeing the baby's head and before I knew it, he was resting on my belly crying. At 8:52pm Xander Michael was born. I started to sob. It was the most amazing thing. My husband cut the umbilical cord and we donated the cord blood. I am proud to know that our little boy's first gift in his life may help save another child somewhere out there.
If you want any further gory details feel free to ask, I have no problem answering questions.
I woke up at about 6:30 that morning to use the restroom. At 39 weeks and 6 days, going to the bathroom in the middle of the night was a normal routine. But this morning something was different. I had this very overwhelming feeling that my water was going to break. I was afraid of my water breaking in bed (for fear of ruining the mattress) so I grabbed a pillow and blanket and went and layed on the couch. I kind of laughed at myself for thinking that my water was going to break but with in 10 minutes of laying on the couch came my first contraction. This contraction was different than the ones I had been experiencing for the last week. This one kind of hurt!! I continued to lay on the couch until the 2nd some what painful contraction came and that's when I thought, 'wow, this might actually be it'!!!
Since I didn't want to wake my husband or my dad, I went down stairs and started playing on the Internet. I never timed my contractions but looking at the clock I knew that they were about 7 minutes apart. After about an hour I realized that I have gray hairs. I couldn't go to the hospital with gray hair!!!! So I whipped out the hair dye and put it in my roots. 25 minutes later I hopped in the shower. This is when my contractions started to come a bit faster and a little bit more painful. I rushed my shower and got dressed. I still was unsure when it would be time to go to the hospital. I did some rocking exercises on the living room when a contraction actually brought me to tears.
It was 8:30 by this time. I walked into the bedroom and woke my husband up. I said "I think you should get up and get in the shower" (quick side story -- we actually had a funeral we were supposed to go to that afternoon). I got a very dazed and confused look. Another contraction was bringing me to tears again so then I got more of a concerned look and I said "I've been in labor for 2 hour now". My husband jumped out of bed and I told him to take his time. Shower and get dressed and we would go to the hospital when he was ready. By the time he got out of the shower my contractions were every 2 minutes and VERY painful. I said "I know I told you to take your time, but we HAVE got to go!!" He reminded me that they wouldn't let me eat anything at the hospital and I should try eating something. So he put 2 pieces of bread in the toaster for me. I went and woke up my dad and told him what was going on. My husband and dad loaded my suitcase and purse into the truck and helped me to waddle out to the truck. Sitting was the hardest thing for me at this point. Standing and leaning seemed to ease the pain a bit but sitting was horrible!!!!! My tailbone felt like it was breaking when I sat on it. During the bumpy ride to the hospital I managed to say "we forgot the toast". Oh that was devastating!!!! I was so hungry already but couldn't get my mind past the pain I was in.
My husband pulled up to the ER doors and walked me inside. The woman behind the desk could see the pain I was in and immediately started wheeling me up to the Maternity Ward. I was wheeled right into a room with 3 nursed in tow ready with a gown and needles and rubber gloves!!! My saviors!!! I wanted to laugh at them when the asked me to lay on the bed. I wanted to scream, don't you know it hurts!!!! Once I was able to lay down they checked my dilation, I was a 4. This was 9:30am. I was told that my contractions were 2 minutes apart and lasting for 80 seconds. That's only 40 seconds to relax between each one. YEAH RIGHT!! The gave me a drug through the IV that made me feel very light head and kind of drunk. The told me that it would help my body relax between contractions even though it wouldn't reduce the pain of the contractions themselves. That drug lasted about an hour, they asked if I wanted that again or get an epidural. I opt for the epidural. Most of you probably know how scared I was at the thought of getting an epidural but when you are in that much pain, you forget all about those fears.
Once the anaesthetologist (sp?) started the process of the epidural I had to stay very still. This was very difficult b/c I had at least 6 contractions during this time. I had my head buried into my husband's chest, tears streaming down my face and my nails digging into his biceps. The epidural was administered at around 11:30 am. Before the epidural fully kicked in, I thought that I had peed in my bed, the nurse said it was my water breaking. With it spontaneously breaking on its own, they said helps speed things along. They were going to rupture it themselves if it hadn't broke by noon. Once it kicked in, I was told to take a nap. My husband said he was going to run home and get the video camera that we had forgotten. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep. When my husband returned I learned that he never even made it out of the parking lot. After pulling out of his parking spot, he was driving down the isle when a woman pulled out of her parking spot backing up right into the bed of his truck. Wonderful!!! Everyone was okay and thank goodness dad was still at home and brought us the video camera.
By this time, guests were starting to show up and I was nice and relaxed.
If you want any further gory details feel free to ask, I have no problem answering questions.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Loving my new role in the world
Friday, September 18, 2009
My miracle
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Pains of Pregnancy

It's no wonder that your back hurts when you are pregnant, I am having to keep myself from falling forward!!! Lower back pain - check, swollen feet and ankles - check, uncomfortable sleeping - check. At 39 weeks I know it could be worse. I have had a very easy pregnancy up until this point. Just can't wait for the pregnancy to be over so I can meet this new man in my life :) My last Dr appt was on Friday and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. They said that it could be any day now. I'm pretty convinced that I will still be attending my Dr appt this coming Friday (my due date). If I have not gone into labor by 41 weeks, they will schedule and induction. I've heard the contractions are must worse when you are induced and the Dr says it increases the risk of needing a C section. I can only hope and pray then that he comes on his own. He may come out walking but at least I'll know he is fully developed and ready to come out. Can't wait to meet you little man!!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Last but not least

Ladies from my women's bible study group and a few other friends made up Baby Shower #3. Thank you to Sarah for pampering us with her Beauty Control products. It was such a relaxing evening complete with fondue (strawberries, marshmallows, pound cake) and baby gifts!!! I highly suggest the Beauty Control products!! I have ordered a few things so that i can pamper myself after the baby's born. Grandma will be watching the baby and I'll be in the bath tub with my eye patches, neck wrap, and lip appeal. :) Ahhh.... I'm starting to feel relaxed already.
Look at the Beauty Control catalog at and send orders to
Monday, August 31, 2009
18 days left... but who's counting
Nobody thought I was going to make it this far. I think everyone thought I would deliver sometime in August. But alas, tomorrow is Sept 1 and my due date is still set for Sept 18. I go to the Dr again on Friday. Maybe they'll just admitt me to the hospital that day :) I have definatly dropped so that's a good sign. I can't wait to meet the little man. It's killing me. We don't have a name yet, but who knows... we may know his name the minute we see him!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Not my imagination
Why do pregnant women waddle? Hi my name is Jennifer I am 36 weeks and 6 days and I started waddling a couple of days ago. But why is that? Here is what has to say about it:

Those persistent pregnancy hormones cause the connective tissue in your body to soften and loosen. The downside to all this joint flexibility (besides the resemblance you now bear to your feathered friends down south) is discomfort in your pelvis and hip. Add the pressure from your baby's head (burrowing deeper and deeper into your pelvis now) and your heavier uterus weighing you down, and it's no wonder it's a pain to walk around these days.
So I am relieved to know it is not in my imagination
Monday, August 24, 2009
The "other child"
One of my other children had a tummy ache at 5:30 am today. Did you know that if you feed a dog a potato and he swallows it whole, then when it comes back up.... it's still whole?? Weird, huh?
This is Dakota. He's the oldest of our two dogs. Very smart and lovable. He's even nice enough to throw up on the tile floor instead of the carpet. I think he's just preparing me for the late night calls I'm going to have to make when the baby comes.
P.S. daddy slept through the whole thing
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
35 1/2 Weeks
Can't....... breath....... feel like......I'm suffacating......
This child of mine has got to drop b/c I feel like I'm going to pass out from lack of oxygen. I go to the doctor in 2 days. Hopefully I will hear some good news like I'm already dialated or something. I want to go into labor naturally but I sure am ready NOW!!
This child of mine has got to drop b/c I feel like I'm going to pass out from lack of oxygen. I go to the doctor in 2 days. Hopefully I will hear some good news like I'm already dialated or something. I want to go into labor naturally but I sure am ready NOW!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
"I get by with a little help from my friends"
Shout out to my friend Susie for painting my toes last night when in my darkest hours..... i couldn't reach them myself.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Baby Shower #2
I had a second baby shower yesterday. It was at my mother in laws house and was mostly Patrick's family. We got lots of good stuff including a stroller, car seat, plugs for outlets, cabinet locks, diapers, wipes, ect. Thank you everyone. We played a game where my sister in law put baby food in a diaper and we had to guess what food it was. Let me tell you, it all looked like poop, it all smelled nasty, and i hesitate to think that i have to put that in my kids mouth!!!
Last night, Pat was laying very close to me and got kicked by the baby. So him and baby Walsh had a poke and kick contest. After a couple of laughs he says "that's creepy". LOL :)
Last night, Pat was laying very close to me and got kicked by the baby. So him and baby Walsh had a poke and kick contest. After a couple of laughs he says "that's creepy". LOL :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Woman Vs Belly

Remember that protruding abdomen I was telling you about? How do I not just tip over? God works in mysterious ways. I am 35 weeks now. Only 5 more to go!!!! I am getting very anxious and large and excited and large. The only thing my doctor has said is "he's going to be on the big side" Gee thanks, can I have a PhD now since I've been saying that since 20 weeks. Sheesh!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Being Crabby

Is my mood today going to reflect the kind of mom I'm going to be? I was awaken today over an hour before I would have liked to and now..... I'm crabby. I try to look at it like this: in just 1 months time, I'm going to be awaken before the sun rises many times. So why is it so hard for me to get out of bed these days? Maybe it's the protruding abdomen, the lack of energy, or maybe I just like my sleep. Any tips for the mom to be on ways to wake up positive so I don't end up making my husband breastfeed our son??
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
birthdays can still be special
Saturday, August 8, 2009
New at this whole blog thing....
I've been enjoying friends' blogs lately and thought it would be fun to start my own. For one, I love to talk about myself, and two I'm gonna love talking about my baby. I have many goals and expectations of being a new mom. I want to get back to my prepregnancy weight as soon as possible because before I got pregnant I was working very hard on losing weight. So once I get back to my prepregnancy weight, then I can start on reaching my goal weight. Another goal of mine is to not compare my baby to other babies. For example, why is that 9 month old walking already!!! And then rushing home and forcing my child to walk laps around the living room. And lastly, I want to enjoy every moment about being a new mommy. I want to read books and sing songs, and have tummy time everyday.
I don't feel like this is too much to ask, do you??
I don't feel like this is too much to ask, do you??
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