It's no wonder that your back hurts when you are pregnant, I am having to keep myself from falling forward!!! Lower back pain - check, swollen feet and ankles - check, uncomfortable sleeping - check. At 39 weeks I know it could be worse. I have had a very easy pregnancy up until this point. Just can't wait for the pregnancy to be over so I can meet this new man in my life :) My last Dr appt was on Friday and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. They said that it could be any day now. I'm pretty convinced that I will still be attending my Dr appt this coming Friday (my due date). If I have not gone into labor by 41 weeks, they will schedule and induction. I've heard the contractions are must worse when you are induced and the Dr says it increases the risk of needing a C section. I can only hope and pray then that he comes on his own. He may come out walking but at least I'll know he is fully developed and ready to come out. Can't wait to meet you little man!!!!
Am maybe getting a little weepy at the office because of this post. I've got a good feeling about today. ;)