I am so fustrated today. Patrick and I went out to eat the other day and I got fish and a side of veggies (the default side is fries), "that's going to be 75 cents extra" the waitress says, "really? you're going to charge me more to eat healthy?" I say. I'm not mad at the waitress, she doesn't set the prices and I know from working in a the food business before that she can't enter in veggies and NOT charge me the 75 cents.
So who do you blame? The manager? The resteraunt owner? America?
Our country seems to be getting worse with our eating habits. Do other countries eat this poorly? How can those in office say they are fighting childhood obesity in schools and blah blah blah and then I have to pay extra for some vegetables? The kids meals at this particular resteraunt USED to come with a bag of baby carrots AND oreos.... now they just come with oreos. Does anyo
ne else see something wrong with this? Cut out the oreos and keep the baby carrots for goodness sake!!!! I feel that I do a pretty good job introducing a variety of foods to my 13 month old. I make sure he eats his veggies (which he loves) and I only let him splurge with white potatoes on occasion. Parents.com states "Scary fact: French fries are one of kids' favorite vegetables. Even scarier: Research has found that one third of young children eat virtually no vegetables at all".

Well.... Maybe cause they charge us extra for them!!!!! SHEESH!!!
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