This is a picture of me on my wedding day May 3, 2008. And now for 15 facts about myself.....
1. My favorite colors are pink and green.
2. My husband and I have been friends since we were 14 years old.
3. I found more love in my heart after having a baby then I knew existed.
4. I ask a lot of questions.
5. I enjoy sleep.... very much.
6. I love being a personal trainer
7. Each member of my immediate family lives in a different state (or country).
8. I love to play volleyball, soccer, swimming, bowling... anything to stay active.
9. I want to go skydiving.
10. I have to wear socks when I sleep.
11. I am pretty forgetful.
12. I HATE spiders.
13. I wish my sister didn't live so far away.
14. I stive everyday to be a better friend, wife, mother, and christian.
15. I want to live somewhere tropical.
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