Last night it rained and froze over. The streets and driveways were a sheet of ice. Schools were closed and my clients canceled. So today Destructo and I stayed in our jammies and.....
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Losing a Pet
Just over a year ago, Destructo was only a few weeks old, our dogs were let loose from our back yard. It took us almost 4 hours before we even noticed them gone. With the help of friends, the neighborhood was searched, their name were called. That night we went to bed wondering if we were ever going to see them again. The next morning we went to Kinko's and printed 50 colored copies of fliers with a picture of both dogs and a REWARD offered. Again, our friends gathered to help us hang fliers. Within 48 hours of our dogs missing, we got a phone call that one family had Hailey, (our brown dog). She was found limping down the street (she has arthritis) and was taken in by this family who saw our fliers hanging in the neighborhood. She was returned safely and the family refused to except the reward. The Handy Hottie then put an ad on Craigslist for our other dog and another 24 hours later we got a call that another family had found Dakota. This family had found him the morning after he went missing sleeping on their front porch. They gave him a bath and fed him. The kids fell in love with him and they decided that if they couldn't find the owners, the would keep him. But luckily they saw our ad and called us, also refusing to accept a reward.

This story has come to my mind lately b/c for the last two weeks or so there has been this flier hanging in our neighborhood and the surrounding area. My heart breaks for the family who is missing their dog Petey. I know the pain associated with losing a pet and I hope Petey is returned safely to this family. If you have any information, if you've spotted this dog wondering around, if you are the kind family who found this dog and are giving it food and a bed, please call this devastated family.

This story has come to my mind lately b/c for the last two weeks or so there has been this flier hanging in our neighborhood and the surrounding area. My heart breaks for the family who is missing their dog Petey. I know the pain associated with losing a pet and I hope Petey is returned safely to this family. If you have any information, if you've spotted this dog wondering around, if you are the kind family who found this dog and are giving it food and a bed, please call this devastated family.
Monday, November 8, 2010
An interesting weekend....
Friday night we got to see an old friend get married to the love of her life. The ceremony and reception were held at the Larimore House Plantation. We kept Destructo up late to celebrate this special day with friends, getting him home and in bed around 10pm only to have him wake up crying at 11, 2, 4 and 6am.
Saturday morning, Destructo spent with his "da DA" (yes the second syllable is always exaggerated) while I worked. Then we went to two different Pre-Thanksgivings. The 1st was a family event (on the Handy Hottie's side). It was nice to spend some time with the family catching up on things. The second was at a friends house. After walking into the house, I run into a man whom I have meet at least 20 times and the conversation goes like this....
Me: Hey there.
Man: Hello (confused look) and you are?
Me: Jennifer (still getting a confused look from him) The Handy Hottie's wife
Man: OH YEAH.... Where is the Handy Hottie?
Me: Outside (man brushes past me to go outside)
Once outside.
Pat: Good, man you?
Man: Oh man, I have to say, you make one good looking baby.... Is it a boy or girl?
Now I will give this man a little bit of leeway considering that he was pretty intoxicated but come on!!! You know my husband like he's your best friend forever, but you can't seem to recognize his wife or the gender of his child (which let me tell you he was wearing a blue button down shirt, so it can't be that hard!).
Sunday we spent the morning at the flea market, the afternoon in the company of good friends and the evening RELAXING at home!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I just can't do it!
Two nights ago I came home from work to find out that Destructo had just gone to bed. I could still hear him rustling around on the baby monitor and I had an internal battle:
Me - go in there and say good night
Me - no don't go in there cause then he'll think its time to play
Me - you missed him all day and he missed you, go in there
Me - don't do it, it'll throw off his whole night
So I waited until the moving stopped and I snuck in there, I rubbed his back and covered him back up with the blanket (which i had to pull out from underneath him since he likes to ball it up and lay on top of it) which then woke him up. So I snuggled with him for a minute or two and put him back to bed.
Yesterday morning I had to leave the house so early that I walked into Destructo's room, got him out of his crib, put him in an outfit, put him in the car and dropped him off at the babysitter's. I spent maybe 15 minutes total with him. Then I raced home from work last night sure that I'd get to send a good half hour with him, only to find him in bed again. The Handy Hottie told him he tried and tried to keep him awake long enough for me to see him but (him not feeling well) he just couldn't stay awake!
Then there was this morning... I was getting ready to walk out the door when I finally heard Destructo wake up. I spent about 5 minutes with him before leaving for work.
It's been hard, real hard. I don't want to do it, I CAN'T do it! I need time with my son!!
Me - go in there and say good night
Me - no don't go in there cause then he'll think its time to play
Me - you missed him all day and he missed you, go in there
Me - don't do it, it'll throw off his whole night
So I waited until the moving stopped and I snuck in there, I rubbed his back and covered him back up with the blanket (which i had to pull out from underneath him since he likes to ball it up and lay on top of it) which then woke him up. So I snuggled with him for a minute or two and put him back to bed.
Yesterday morning I had to leave the house so early that I walked into Destructo's room, got him out of his crib, put him in an outfit, put him in the car and dropped him off at the babysitter's. I spent maybe 15 minutes total with him. Then I raced home from work last night sure that I'd get to send a good half hour with him, only to find him in bed again. The Handy Hottie told him he tried and tried to keep him awake long enough for me to see him but (him not feeling well) he just couldn't stay awake!
Then there was this morning... I was getting ready to walk out the door when I finally heard Destructo wake up. I spent about 5 minutes with him before leaving for work.
It's been hard, real hard. I don't want to do it, I CAN'T do it! I need time with my son!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Career Change

I recently have gotten a new job that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. I am now a Personal Trainer. I have been working at Club Fitness (a St Louis area based gym) for about a month now. I have started my day about an hour earlier than what I've been working in the past..... and it's actually easy to get up in the mornings. I'm not sure if it's that I enjoy the job that I'm going to or the extra energy I have from working out but I get up in the mornings with less grunts and groans as each day passes. The great think about being a Personal Trainer is that I get to decide if my day is going to be the same as yesterday or if it's going to be new and exciting and I have chosen to always make it new and exciting. I love shaking things up and making my client say "you want me to do what!?" and then seeing them succeed and being proud of themselves for it. I received an email after meeting a woman for the first time saying "Thank you for making something that's been so intimidating to me seem easy". THAT is what makes my day!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Unhealthy Ways

I am so fustrated today. Patrick and I went out to eat the other day and I got fish and a side of veggies (the default side is fries), "that's going to be 75 cents extra" the waitress says, "really? you're going to charge me more to eat healthy?" I say. I'm not mad at the waitress, she doesn't set the prices and I know from working in a the food business before that she can't enter in veggies and NOT charge me the 75 cents.
So who do you blame? The manager? The resteraunt owner? America?
Our country seems to be getting worse with our eating habits. Do other countries eat this poorly? How can those in office say they are fighting childhood obesity in schools and blah blah blah and then I have to pay extra for some vegetables? The kids meals at this particular resteraunt USED to come with a bag of baby carrots AND oreos.... now they just come with oreos. Does anyo
ne else see something wrong with this? Cut out the oreos and keep the baby carrots for goodness sake!!!! I feel that I do a pretty good job introducing a variety of foods to my 13 month old. I make sure he eats his veggies (which he loves) and I only let him splurge with white potatoes on occasion. states "Scary fact: French fries are one of kids' favorite vegetables. Even scarier: Research has found that one third of young children eat virtually no vegetables at all".

Well.... Maybe cause they charge us extra for them!!!!! SHEESH!!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Happy Birthday To You!

September 17th, Xander turned 1 year old. Wow, a whole year has gone by! In just 12 months, my baby blob has learned to sit up, stand, talk, walk and the millions of things that he has discovered is amazing!! Can you come up with such an impressive list of the things that you have done in the last year?
Xander starts walking
well it's been 2 months but i'm just now catching up on things remember!! It did not take any tricks or treats to get Xander to start walking, once he figured out that he could travel on his feet, it was all over from there. Back in late July he started walking really well while holding on to things
then by late August he was walking without help
and he's never looked back.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Time to Play Catch Up
My October resolution... To be a better blogger.
Xander has been keeping me super busy. He is not only a walker, but he's a runner, a climber, a daredevil. He likes to test his boundaries and gets his feelings hurt when he hears "No No". That head of his is hard as a rock. He likes to head butt and can bring anyone to tears from it. The dogs don't like to be head butted, but try explaining that to a 12 month old. The biggest change in his life is that he FINALLY sleeps through the night!!! Oh how exciting that has been!! It only took him a year but he does sleep and he sleeps WELL. I can put him down at 8pm and not hear him till 6:45-7am. More catching up (and photos) very soon!
Xander has been keeping me super busy. He is not only a walker, but he's a runner, a climber, a daredevil. He likes to test his boundaries and gets his feelings hurt when he hears "No No". That head of his is hard as a rock. He likes to head butt and can bring anyone to tears from it. The dogs don't like to be head butted, but try explaining that to a 12 month old. The biggest change in his life is that he FINALLY sleeps through the night!!! Oh how exciting that has been!! It only took him a year but he does sleep and he sleeps WELL. I can put him down at 8pm and not hear him till 6:45-7am. More catching up (and photos) very soon!
Friday, September 24, 2010
the worst
I'm the worst blogger ever!!!!!!! I can't seem to think of things to write about!!! AGH!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
First tooth is coming in
our poor man finally had his first tooth break the gums!!!!! (only 10 1/2 months old). He is fine during the day but does have some trouble sleeping at night. It does not however hinder his Tigger jumping abilities in his crib. Will let you know when it's fully in and I'll even try to take a picture =)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
First Words
Xander is very expressive. He makes lots of sounds and inflections with his voice. He has made dadadadada, mamamama and bababababa sounds. But yesterday and today I got an intentional Mama!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
May 25th - Xander starts pulling up
Xander started pulling himself up on anything he could get to. His toy chest is the perfect height for him.
Monday, June 7, 2010
A prince and his princess
Who's that baby
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Uh Oh
Xander turned 8 months old and learned a new trick!! He can go from sitting in his crib then pulling himself up. Scary stuff!!!!! He almost fell out right after I took this picture! Time to lower the mattress
Friday, May 14, 2010
True Motherhood
Do you ever wonder if you're a good mommy? I disappoint myself when I sigh because Xander's crying again or a grunt when he won't eat his food. I love that kid more than any words could describe, so why do I get fustrated so easily? Sometimes I dream of a day when I can sleep 8 hours and wake up on my own account, sit around and do nothing. Xander's only 8 months old and again, I disappoint myself when I have these thoughts. I have wanted to be a mother for so long but nothing (not even the 100 of baby books I have read) can prepare you for true motherhood.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Spring is here
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I feel like we are back at square one. Xander won't sleep through the night any more. Not only won't he sleep through the night but now he won't even settle himself back down to sleep. For the past 2 weeks Xander has been waking more frequently during the night. And the last two nights he has woke up and continued to scream until someone comes in there and gets him. It's unnerving when you can't get him to calm down after you pick him up. I'm not sure if he's teething or just wants to be close to me. He goes back to sleep if I bring him to bed and nurse him and HE sleeps great when he's in bed with me. But he loves to sleep right up against you and I tend to almost fall off the bed. How does such a little human being take up an entire queen size bed is beyond me. But I'm so tired!!!! I went to bed last night at 9pm b/c I couldn't hardley keep my eyes open. I'm feeling a little better today but we'll see how the work day treats me!!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
a tradition has begun

Monday, May 3, 2010
baby gates will be up soon
Xander is so close to crawling. He gets up on all four and scoots backwards. You can just see it in his eyes how bad he wants to get moving. He tries for awhile but eventually gets fustrated. I'm sure in a week or so I'll be showing you the video of his first crawling!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Grandma visits
Date night
Friday night, we got our first date night in 7 months!! Patrick took me to Red Lobster where we enjoyed lobster/crab artichoke dip, Flounder, Shrimp scampi, shrimp linguini, and their famous garlic butter rolls. After dinner we headed downtown to a bar called The Firebird ( to listen to a friend's band play. Our friend Johnny is the drummer for the band Spark Thugs ( Patrick and I were the only ones there not wearing black :) We came up with a decision that we wanted to change our image. Patrick is going to get a Mohack a
nd a tatoo

and I am going to start wearing leather.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Me Time

Last night after baby went to bed, mommy got to enjoy a bonfire with her husband and some good friends, and her favorite alcoholic beverage: a creamsicle. I learned how to make a creamsicle on our honeymoon in St Croix. It is a tropical drink made of Orange rum, Vanilla rum, orange juice and pinapple juice. You can almost hear the waves of the ocean and feel the sand between your toes while you drink it.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Little Surfer

I took Xander swimming last night and we had so much fun!! He made a face when I first submerged us into the cool water but he was splashing his hands in no time. He splashed a lot and would even dip his own face into the water. It was really funny, he would hold his breath and put his face down and lift it up, shake the water out of his eyes and do it again. By the fourth time, he started coughing (I guess he forgot to hold his breath that time). I loved this experience!!!! I can't wait to do it again.

Saturday, March 27, 2010
My mother in law takes her dog to a groomer who has a child the same age as Xander. She says that the baby is always in there sitting 5 feet away from where the dogs get groomed. GROSS!! I'm all for bringing your kid to work but REALLY?
my smarty pants
Xander had a screening yesterday with our Parents as Teachers educator. He topped the charts in all areas; gross motor skills, communication, problem solving,
The one and only thing that he is not doing at this time that he shoud be starting soon is getting into a crawl position (on all fours). My little man is a genious!!!
It must be my parenting skills.
The one and only thing that he is not doing at this time that he shoud be starting soon is getting into a crawl position (on all fours). My little man is a genious!!!
It must be my parenting skills.
Friday, March 26, 2010
sleep well deserved
Well last night was night #4 of baby boot camp (aka: Xander needs to sleep in his crib). He did GREAT!!! I got a little worried that he hadn't woke up at all so I very quietly snuck into his room at 5am this morning (there is nothing quite about sneaking into that room after the door creaks open and the floor groans under your foot) and accidentally woke him up. He was so hungry when i picked him up that he latched on to my bare shoulder and started sucking. So I nursed him back to sleep and he slept another 2 hours!!!! So today I am well refreshed with a nice hickey on my shoulder.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
6 month check up
Well, Xander hasn't outgrown his car seat as I had so fearfully thought. The sumo baby weighed in at 19 lbs 15 ounces. 2 pounds till he out grows that seat. Thank goodness. I dread the day that I have to pick a sleeping baby up out of his car seat and stick him into a hard metal shopping cart. The pumpkin seats are so convenient in many ways. I'll miss the days that i can snap him into the stroller and he faces me. I get to see him smiling at me and slowly dozing off as the sounds of nature lull him to sleep. Why weren't all strollers made so the baby faces you? But once he outgrows that baby seat, I'll have to strap him into the stroller facing forward and take him out of the car sleeping or not. Being a big boy has it's price. Maybe once he starts walking he'll slim down a bit. it cracks me up when I get updates about friends kids who say "Little Jessica is 15 months old and weighs 22 pounds!!" I want to say "really? maybe you should feed her!" Xander is my pleasantly plump little turkey and I love him so much.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Toasted Marshmallow
Well my little man finally got to enjoy the snow. We kept only getting little dustings here and there that melted rather quickly but we finally had a true SNOW DAY!!! I can't wait to take him sleding and make snow angels. One tradition that I used to have with some old friends of mine was Midnight Football. We would all sit in front of the t.v. waiting for our school to scroll up on the School Closings list. As soon as our school was on there we got our snow gear together. This was the only time that we didn't play two hand touch. This was all out tackle football. We'd come back in with snow caked to the outside of our 4 pairs of socks and take off our layers, then sit with hot chocolate and watch a movie. I miss those days but now it's time to make new traditions.... I hope Xander likes playing midnight football!!!! 

My husband is a very handy person. He paints, builds, and fixes about anything. He likes working on car alot too and recently found himself a new apprentice.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The bottle blues
Help! Xander is refusing to take a bottle from anyone. I went in to work a full day of work (finally) and had to come home on my lunch break to nurse him. When I arrived he was one angry 5 month old. I love nursing him but can't stand that he won't take a bottle. It worries me that he is being so rough on his caregiver by crying. It breaks my heart to hear him crying. And it wears me out that he relies on me so much. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Whistle While You Work
Well, I'm back to work..... sort of.
I've only been working about 2 hours a day but it has been a wonderful transition for both Xander and I. Xander still isn't taking to other people all that well yet and I think that the slow transition of being away from me is good for him. A friend of mine told me that Xander's got the classic "mommy's boy syndrome". Looks like we all have our own complexes. Our biggest challenge right now is getting him to take a bottle from someone other than me. I mean what really goes on through an infant's head? Does he think the bottle is filled with acid or something dangerous. Does he think that his aunts are going to harm him in some way? Everyone is so loving with him and we are so lucky to have them around. I just hope that Xander can reciprocate that love some time soon.
I've only been working about 2 hours a day but it has been a wonderful transition for both Xander and I. Xander still isn't taking to other people all that well yet and I think that the slow transition of being away from me is good for him. A friend of mine told me that Xander's got the classic "mommy's boy syndrome". Looks like we all have our own complexes. Our biggest challenge right now is getting him to take a bottle from someone other than me. I mean what really goes on through an infant's head? Does he think the bottle is filled with acid or something dangerous. Does he think that his aunts are going to harm him in some way? Everyone is so loving with him and we are so lucky to have them around. I just hope that Xander can reciprocate that love some time soon.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
So Sorry
Okay I truely am sorry that I haven't blogged in awhile. I have nothing special going on for an excuse either... just mommyhood. Xander is getting so big. On January 18, he had his 4 month check up. More shots and weighed in at 17 lbs 8 oz. Gotta love the baby rolls!! I have lots of pics I will be sharing soon. I promise!! Thanks for still reading!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
photo shoot
When Xander turned 3 months old, we took him to Sears to get his picture taken. He cried through the whole thing!! We asked if we could come back at another time when he was in a better mood. Here we are a month later and we still haven't taken him back yet so I decided to bypass the high prices of a studio and see how I did on my own. So here is our in home photo shoot. Tell me what you think..jpg)
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