Friday, February 26, 2010

Toasted Marshmallow

Well my little man finally got to enjoy the snow. We kept only getting little dustings here and there that melted rather quickly but we finally had a true SNOW DAY!!! I can't wait to take him sleding and make snow angels. One tradition that I used to have with some old friends of mine was Midnight Football. We would all sit in front of the t.v. waiting for our school to scroll up on the School Closings list. As soon as our school was on there we got our snow gear together. This was the only time that we didn't play two hand touch. This was all out tackle football. We'd come back in with snow caked to the outside of our 4 pairs of socks and take off our layers, then sit with hot chocolate and watch a movie. I miss those days but now it's time to make new traditions.... I hope Xander likes playing midnight football!!!!


My husband is a very handy person. He paints, builds, and fixes about anything. He likes working on car alot too and recently found himself a new apprentice.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The bottle blues

Help! Xander is refusing to take a bottle from anyone. I went in to work a full day of work (finally) and had to come home on my lunch break to nurse him. When I arrived he was one angry 5 month old. I love nursing him but can't stand that he won't take a bottle. It worries me that he is being so rough on his caregiver by crying. It breaks my heart to hear him crying. And it wears me out that he relies on me so much. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Whistle While You Work

Well, I'm back to work..... sort of.

I've only been working about 2 hours a day but it has been a wonderful transition for both Xander and I. Xander still isn't taking to other people all that well yet and I think that the slow transition of being away from me is good for him. A friend of mine told me that Xander's got the classic "mommy's boy syndrome". Looks like we all have our own complexes. Our biggest challenge right now is getting him to take a bottle from someone other than me. I mean what really goes on through an infant's head? Does he think the bottle is filled with acid or something dangerous. Does he think that his aunts are going to harm him in some way? Everyone is so loving with him and we are so lucky to have them around. I just hope that Xander can reciprocate that love some time soon.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So Sorry

Okay I truely am sorry that I haven't blogged in awhile. I have nothing special going on for an excuse either... just mommyhood. Xander is getting so big. On January 18, he had his 4 month check up. More shots and weighed in at 17 lbs 8 oz. Gotta love the baby rolls!! I have lots of pics I will be sharing soon. I promise!! Thanks for still reading!!