Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Top Ten of the Terrible Two's

Things I love about Xander's Terrible Twos
10). His unconditional love - even after he's put in time out
9). His adventurous spirit - he loves to run and jump and throw and...
8). My little helper - I can't wipe the counters or table down if Xander doesn't have a wet one too.
7). Everything has a new name - Thomas DVD is the Cho Cho movie and nap time is a nappy nap
6). A hug is the best way to say "I'm sorry"
5). His curiousity - he points to things to find out what they are and says "Huh?"
4). He will say Night Night to anything and everything
3). He finds joy in little things - like airplanes and birds
2). Kisses can make any boo boo feel better.
1). That belly laugh - oh how I love that belly laugh.