Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Birthday To You!

September 17th, Xander turned 1 year old. Wow, a whole year has gone by! In just 12 months, my baby blob has learned to sit up, stand, talk, walk and the millions of things that he has discovered is amazing!! Can you come up with such an impressive list of the things that you have done in the last year?

Xander starts walking

well it's been 2 months but i'm just now catching up on things remember!! It did not take any tricks or treats to get Xander to start walking, once he figured out that he could travel on his feet, it was all over from there. Back in late July he started walking really well while holding on to things

then by late August he was walking without help

and he's never looked back.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Time to Play Catch Up

My October resolution... To be a better blogger.

Xander has been keeping me super busy. He is not only a walker, but he's a runner, a climber, a daredevil. He likes to test his boundaries and gets his feelings hurt when he hears "No No". That head of his is hard as a rock. He likes to head butt and can bring anyone to tears from it. The dogs don't like to be head butted, but try explaining that to a 12 month old. The biggest change in his life is that he FINALLY sleeps through the night!!! Oh how exciting that has been!! It only took him a year but he does sleep and he sleeps WELL. I can put him down at 8pm and not hear him till 6:45-7am. More catching up (and photos) very soon!